If you want to teach your children how to care for the environment and save the planet, we've got some easy-peasy tips for going green as a family.
We do our best to be a green family all year round, to teach our children about the environment and how to help save the planet. It’s something we feel very strongly about! If you’re looking for ideas on how to teach your kids about helping the environment and become a more eco-friendly family, read on. These simple tips can help encourage kids to care for the planet and be more conscious of how their daily habits can make positive change. The future, after all, is in their hands.
10 tips for families on how to save the planet
1. Avoid food waste
Go green and help teach your kids the importance of finishing their meals to avoid food waste. Not only will it prevent contributing to landfills, but it’ll stop you as parents from scoffing their leftovers (you know it’s true!). Do your bit to save the planet as well by planning your meals for the week so you only buy what you need and can get creative with leftovers. We’ve got some great storage hacks as well so you can extend the life of your groceries and quit wasting your greens.
2. Use reusable bottles
An absolute must when there are many cute offerings on the market! Earth Day was a great time to get our kids drinking from reusable water bottles when out and about. It’s now a firm habit! Teach good water-saving habits by watching your water usage around the house, too.
3. Try more plant-based meals
Limit your impact on the environment by encouraging your children to eat less meat. It’s a surprisingly simple way we can all help save the planet. If you’re not prepared to go full-on vegan, try one day a week to get you started (#MeatFreeMonday, anyone?), and then expand to more days where possible. We’ve got lots of ideas for plant-based meals the whole family will love. plus great vegan resto options in SG. A great eco-friendly tip for families!
4. Cut down on the AC
We get it: Singapore is hot, hot, hot. So much so that Singapore is often called the ‘air-conditioned nation’! All that power usage, though, can put a drain on your energy usage and your wallet. So, whenever you can, go green and open the window for some natural air. If you can’t live without your AC, set it at between 25 and 27ºC for the most energy-efficient temperature.
5. Avoid single-use plastic
It makes our hearts hurt when we see just how much single-use plastic is used in Singapore. From small bags for your coffee cups (the mind boggles) to plastic wrapped in plastic, we hate how much waste there is. What to do? Lead by example. Carry some foldable, reusable totes with you when you do your food shopping rather than using the plastic bags from the supermarket. Put sandwiches in beeswax wraps, ditch the disposable cutlery and take your own coffee cup with you when grabbing a takeaway. Check out our full guide to reusable products here and avoid those disposables!
6. Say no to straws
Eugh, straws are the worst. Avoid plastic straws wherever and whenever you can. The good news is there are some great reusable options out there – and a lot of the time, you don’t even need them at all!
7. Wise up to recycling
You don’t need us to tell you how important it is to teach our kids to reduce, reuse, recycle. Becoming a less ‘throw away’ society is a great message to demonstrate to our own little ones, on Earth Day and beyond. Why not take a look at our A-Z of recycling so you know once and for all what goes in what bin? Looking to recycle your electrical products? We’ve got that covered too. Thank us later.
8. Donate goods to charity
One of our fave things ever? Having a massive clearout and doing a KonMari! And with kids growing up and out of their clothes in the blink of an eye, it feels like we always have bags of clothes that no longer fit them. Do some good for the community and save the planet at the same time by passing on old clothing, toys or household items to those who need it most. See the HoneyKids guide to donating goods in Singapore to find a charity that’s close to your heart. Psst, we’re also loving the circular fashion options in SG right now; check out our faves here.
9. Teach them about nature
There’s no better way to teach kids about the environment than by getting them outdoors and into nature! Sure, with the countless downpours here in Singapore, sometimes we’re stuck indoors. But whether it’s raining or sunny, you can absolutely still teach your kids about the environment, no matter the weather. If your little ones grow up with a love for and appreciation of nature, they’re more likely to want to save it! If it’s raining, try animal encyclopaedias, educational YouTube channels and fun online learning to boost their brain cells. Otherwise, get them out there into the great outdoors!
10. Go car-free as much as possible
Whether you own a car in Singapore or you often take taxis, the pandemic has meant travel has naturally cut down. However, the thinking behind it is still good to know: save the planet and bike or walk instead of taking motorised transport. After all, there are so many family-friendly walks, cycling routes and the fabulous Park Connector Network – who needs a car anyway?!
Now go forth and help save the planet!
Top image: Sheri Silver