All you need to know about the latest Covid-19 updates and developments in Singapore, from gatherings to mask wearing...
Are you struggling to keep up with the ever-evolving Covid regulations and rules in Singapore? Bookmark this page! Here’s what you need to know about the latest developments and measures following the recent announcements from the Multi-Ministry Taskforce.
Covid-19 updates for families in Singapore
1. Dinner dates with other families are back on – now you can meet in groups of up to ten!
The news we all wanted – social gatherings are now back up to ten people! This includes dining out, activities like staycations and outdoor barbecue pits. It also means you can welcome up to ten guests into your home at any one time, so that long overdue kid’s birthday party you promised might be back on! Planning on having visitors over for dinner? Check out our guide of restaurants and dessert shops that deliver.
What about a date night? The current restriction on drinking after 10.30pm will also be lifted!
2. Masks are no longer mandatory outside!
More good news for those of us who love the outdoors but hate the sweaty mask experience – masks are no longer compulsory in outdoor settings! Woo! That being said, they are still encouraged, especially in crowded spaces. And what about indoors? Masks are still required, but safe distancing isn’t. So as long as everyone has their masks on, you’re all good. The measure is still compulsory in mask-off settings, such as dining in at food establishments. Remember, you must be fully vaccinated (unless under 12) before booking your restaurant of choice.
3. Live performances are back!
Oh, how we’ve missed music! We’re so glad to hear that live performances (including in restaurants) are back. Have a school sports day coming up? The kids can also start cheering again (but masks do need to be worn in larger group settings like this).
4. Goodbye VTLs (and on arrival testing!)
Busy planning your VTL routes? You might want to pause it because VTLs are no longer required from 1 April! What does this mean? Basically, all vaccinated travellers can enter Singapore without quarantine from April 1, regardless of their flight type.
There’s also a welcome change to post-arrival testing. There are no longer any on arrival test requirements; only the two-day pre-departure test remains. For the pre-departure test, remote supervised ART services are now being accepted too.
5. All about the workplace
75 per cent of employees can return back to the office. There’s no need for safe distancing in the workplace if everyone has their masks on. Social workplace gatherings can also resume. Also, there’ll be zero restrictions on the cross-deployment of employees, and face-to-face meetings can take place again.
6. Booster shots for everyone (and a second booster for the vulnerable)
Everyone, including those aged 12 to 17, is encouraged to receive their booster shot five months after completing their two doses of the mRNA vaccine. The booster shot is needed to maintain one’s vaccination status. The booster dose is offered at 50 micrograms, half the amount used in the primary vaccination course. Folks who previously received the Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccine are recommended to receive an mRNA vaccine for their booster shot. Psst, we’ve put together a vaccination guide if you have any questions!
7. Changes in capacity limits
Capacity limits are also changing. Large events (over 1,000) will be raised to 75 per cent capacity, and smaller events (under 1,000) can go ahead without having to worry about any capacity limit. Larger social gatherings have also got the thumbs up (like gala dinners, for instance); just the per table limit of ten will apply.
8. Let’s go to the beach-each, let’s go get a wave
Planning to spend the day at Sentosa‘s beaches? Now you don’t have to make bookings to visit the beach on weekends and public holidays. This also applies to the use of beach courts. Unfortunately, the “safety rings” will remain in place. Also, you’re still required to wear your masks and limit your group size to five people.
9. Sporting activities can resume at select venues
Good news if you’re into sports – all sporting activities can proceed with up to 30 participants, as long as everyone’s fully vaccinated, at supervised or operated sports facilities such as those run by ActiveSG and approved private venues. No testing is required, though everyone is encouraged to do an ART before taking part.
10. Differentiated rules for the unvaccinated…
Unvaccinated individuals cannot eat out (this includes hawker centres) or enter shopping malls. Standalone supermarkets and religious services are exempt. This ruling doesn’t apply to children under 12. In addition, those who choose not to be vaccinated will bear the total cost of the medical bill should they get infected.
…Except for those who are medically ineligible for vaccines
Although those who cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons are strongly advised to stay home where possible, there’s now the option for dine-in and to be able to enter malls. Note: medically ineligible individuals must provide proof of this status once an assessment has taken place for this.
Check back soon for more announcements and Covid-19 updates in Singapore. And stay safe, everyone!