Is social distancing in the time of Covid-19 affecting your family? Here's how to cope.
One year on and we’re still in the midst of a global pandemic. And no doubt, you’re still freaking out a little like the rest of us. As parents of young children, it’s hard to stay calm with all the uncertainty still kicking around. From variants and vaccines for kids, to wondering when this will ever end – there’s still so much we just don’t know. And quite frankly, it’s enough to drive anyone absolutely bonkers! Throw in some social distancing in the mix, and you’ve got a bunch of anxious toddlers and parents, which is no bueno at all. So what’s a mum or dad to do? Do what we’ve always done, of course: keep calm and carry on. Here are some tips on how to stay sane through all this social distancing and coronavirus madness, based on what we know so far.
What social distancing means for families in Singapore
With Covid-19 cases still on the rise, parents are asked to work from home and avoid crowded areas as much as possible. The practice of social distancing, or reducing close contact between people to help minimise the spread of infections or diseases, has come into play from day dot. According to the Ministry of Health, it means limiting large crowds gathering in close proximity over a prolonged duration. Yup, we’ve had to rethink how we spend quality time with our kids and get super creative!
How to cope with social distancing in Singapore
1. Get outdoors
We at HoneyKids are super big fans of the great outdoors, so of course, our top tip is to get lots of vitamin D and play outside. We’re lucky that we live in Singapore where we have lots of options when it comes to finding big, green open spaces. In fact, there’s probably one near you! Grab a picnic mat, pump those bicycles, fly a kite – it’s fun out there and a great way to get over all that social distancing jazz! For parents, it’s a great time to work on your cardio and pick up running!
Wondering if you should go to a playground? Although we’re uber thankful for the cleaning uncles and aunties who clean all high-traffic areas (including lift buttons, railings, benches and fitness areas) numerous times a day with disinfectant, it might be worth avoiding them temporarily while the cases are still on the rise.
2. Let them get bored
Instead of worrying about cabin fever and wondering if your kids aren’t stimulated enough, go back to basics and do some arts and craft together. If you need some inspo, here’s a round-up of awesome activities for you to do with your young ‘uns. But, letting them be bored isn’t so bad, especially with all this fuss about social distancing. It’s a great way for them to fire up those creative juices and find ways to have fun!
3. Think of the silver lining
Although the situation isn’t ideal, perhaps this whole social distancing thing is a chance to connect more as a family. Think about it: before the pandemic, when was the last time you sat down with your family and fully connected, without the distraction of pending plans or events and mobile devices? If there’s one thing this virus has done, it’s that it’s brought everything into perspective and encouraged us to up our family time. Our families are what really matter. All we can do is stay strong, hope for the best and be positive and present, especially for our families.
These may be tough times, but they won’t last. You’ve got this!
Top image: Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash