With the current economic climate, now is as good a time as any to learn some food storage hacks to get the most of your fresh fruit and vegetables. Buh-bye, food waste!
Ever found that a day or two after buying your groceries, your veggies are starting to look a bit sad? Then read on, kitchen kings and queens: we show you how to extend the life of your fresh produce with some ingenious food storage hacks. Because making the most out of food you already have = best thing ever.
Smart food storage hacks you’ll love
Smart food storage hack #1: don’t wash your fruit until you’re ready to eat it. If it’s stored while damp, it will perish soooo much quicker.
Keep them in the fridge to make them last longer… but just keep them away from everything else if possible (they’ll make it all ripen quicker thanks to their nifty enzymes).
Apparently, bananas do well with a spot of social distancing. Separate them all from the bunch, and they’ll last longer. #antisocial
Got an empty (and clean, obvs) jar lying around? Store your blueberries in it and keep in the fridge for a long-life, plastic-free food storage hack.
Pop a sheet of kitchen paper into an open container, then add your grapes. Make sure they’re dry first; otherwise: hello, mould!
Lemons, limes and other citrus
We know they look pretty as a picture in a fruit bowl, but your citrus fruit will actually last much longer in the fridge. Keep in a breathable and reusable mesh food storage bag, then refrigerate. If you’re planning on squeezing all the goodness out of them come cooking time, our tip is to bring it back to room temperature first. That way, you’ll get the most juice out of your fruit.
These juicy jubblies do best in a paper bag in the fridge. Eat quickly, though: besides the little ones munching their through, strawberries don’t have a long shelf life!
Don’t keep them in the fridge! You’re meant to keep them on your countertop, away from direct sunlight. Who knew?
Hate your floppy asparagus spears? Trim the ends, then stand up in some water. Refrigerate. Tried and tested – this food storage hack really works!
Need to ripen your avo? Pop it next to an apple or a banana – the enzymes released by the fruit will help speed up the ripening process. When ripe, move to the fridge to slow things down. If you’re not smashing it on a nice chunky bit of toast, that is.
Store in the fridge, wrapped in a damp towel. This is another food storage hack we always use ourselves!
Paper bags for these guys (or mesh storage bags, natch).
Wrap them in a damp paper towel, and then into the fridge they go, ready for their hummus fate.
Mmmm, one of our faves. Pop this beauty in the fridge to prolong its life.
To keep it nice and crisp, we’ve read that you should try wrapping in aluminium foil and not plastic. Don’t forget to scrunch the foil up once you’re done and recycle it, too.
Pop in a container, then cover with a damp cloth.
These do best in the fridge, in a paper bag. Plastic makes them ‘sweat’ (eugh).
Remove the green ends then wrap in a damp paper towel and add to the fridge.
Root vegetables
Pop garlic, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkins in a cupboard or pantry drawer. Avoid the fridge and light.
Salad leaves
Store loose in an open container in the fridge.
Spring onions
Try popping the root ends in a jar with a little water in, then keeping upright in your fridge door. It should stop them going all sad and floppy.
Red Meat
Make sure to store red meat in the coldest area of the fridge. Store red meat in its original packaging to maintain freshness and minimise exposure to air.
This handy hack ensures your poultry will be juicy when cooked, salt the meat pieces before freezing.
Use your loaf: consider keeping your bread in the freezer and only defrosting or toasting what you need, when you need it. This nifty trick could help reduce your food waste. Don’t forget to read our guide to baking bread, too!
Take out of the plastic it came in and wrap in some parchment paper or a reusable beeswax wrapper, instead. Otherwise, the plastic will create not-so-nice condensation. The resulting sweaty cheese does not a platter make.
Store in a closed container in the fridge. If your herbs are starting to look a bit wilted, blitz them up and freeze them. You could also mix them in some olive oil and add to an ice-cube tray – the oil helps reduce freezer burn.
Avoid plastic – try a paper bag or a dry paper towel.
We hope these hand food storage hacks help stretch your groceries that little bit further. If you have any tricks that work for you, be sure to get in touch via [email protected].