Motivational mugs are SO the way forward when it's 7am and you've got a whole day of parenting ahead. But first, coffee!
Being a mum. It’s all we imagined it to be and yet so much more. Way more. Off the scale more. More snot, more tantrums, more poop and more sleepless nights. More, more, more. And while we may never fully get back our pre-baby bod, our favourite facials are but a distant memory, and our hair looks more visit to a farm than hair salon glam, we know that the little darlings are soooooo worth it, right? Just as soon as we have had our coffee, that is. So take a break from hightailing it to your toddler’s playgroup, give your older kids their bus fare to get themselves to their teen sport class and settle down with your motivational morning coffee in a mug that tells it like it is… It is International Coffee Day today after all!
Motivational mugs in Singapore for us coffee dependent mums
1. For when you need coffee before anything else
You have the breakfast to make, the husband to shoo off to work, the baby to feed, the toddler to distract from whatever it is they shouldn’t be doing, the kids to get off to school, the dog to walk and your day in the office to get started. But first: coffee. We love this tongue-firmly-in-cheek (pun fully intended times two!) mug from Luke McGarry! Totally makes our morning better, especially after the cuppa.
2. For when your coffee mug is telling it how it is
We love all the mug selections at Cotton On but the Spongebob Squarepants one (pictured above) takes the cake… err, coffee. Stand back until we’ve finished our caffeine and then we’ll definitely be happy!
3. For when you just can’t with adulting
Adulting can be tough. So let the whole world know when your mum superpowers are taking a little break with this simple but effective mug from So Lovely Weddings via Etsy. Or, get something that reads similar to the above from Shirtoopia. If you can’t adult, maybe you can be a kidult instead?
4. For when you’re not ready to debate at silly o’clock in the morning
It’s definitely too early for full-on discussions with toddlers about the merits of wearing welly boots to preschool until we’ve had our cup of coffee. Truthfully? We’d rather be back in bed. This mug from Bonfire really speaks to our soul.
5. For when the kids are really trying your patience
Sometimes smiling your way through refereeing siblings, feeding five family members who all want different things, plus trying to persuade a teenager to clean up their room (before Environmental Health come calling) can be somewhat challenging. We’ve all done it: expletives under our breath (when we really want to shout them out loud). Now, all we need to do is buy this cup. And use it a lot.
6. For when all you can do is keep on plodding
Just keep that coffee cup full and that tiny human alive. That’s all we can do on days when even the strongest cuppa can’t give us back the two million hours we lost while rocking the baby to sleep, only to have them wake back up howling as soon as their ‘mum left the room’ radar went off. Get this mug from The PJ Bar via Etsy.
7. For when you can deal with anything the day throws at you (once you have reached optimum coffee levels)
Mums can generally deal with whatever life throws at them. Pasta, spat out veggies and yoghurt mostly when there is a toddler involved. But all that awesome needs a coffee kickstart: we are absolutely on board with the message this fun cup dishes out.
8. For when you really should be going to the gym but fancy a coffee and snack instead
Getting your fitness mojo back once you have kids can be a challenge, and never more so than when coffee and a snack are on offer instead. Pilates you say? We’ll take the pie and latte, thanks… but we may go to the gym later.
9. For when you just can’t suppress the grammar rage within…
Always, all the time, often. Yes. If you see white spots when you spot an incorrectly used possessive apostrophe, this one’s for you. We can’t help it, we’re writers! It’s part of our job! Get this judgy mug from Amazon.
10. For when you’re feeling fruity
It’s no secret we’ve got a thing for pineapples here at HoneyKids HQ. So many happy vibes with this mug! This joyful cup is available on We Are Paper Plane via Etsy.
11. For when you need to tackle an army of toddlers – or even just the one
Toddler in the house? We feel you. What you need is a whole lotta patience. And coffee. Strong coffee. The kind that’s stronger than your bub, and will make you feel well enough to tackle anything and everything. You can get this mug for yourself and fellow mums via Stork Wares.
12. For when you need a reminder for your aspirations
Some days, you feel inadequate. You feel like giving up. The spark, the drive, the motivation is not there. Folks, you’re not alone. Some days, you just need a gentle, loving reminder. And this mug set from kikki.K will do that for you. Lost your way? A glance at this cup and you’ll feel better. Just remember to sip, breathe, and practice mindfulness. Ohmmmm….
13. For when you want to send a (paggro) message to your colleague that’s leaving
Sorry what? Your work spouse is leaving? How dare they. Take a note from us Petty Pollys and let them know how you feel with this mug. Sip your caffeine in front of it, position it strategically so that they’ll see it whenever they look at you, or even gift it to them. The (petty) possibilities are endless. Get yours now from Cute Little Text via Society 6.
14. For when you want to play a (deadly) game
Never judge a book by its cover. Or, in this case, a mug by its nondescript design. Fill this little buddy up and serve it to that special person. See the colour drain from their face when they finish the entire mug and finally see what they’ve gotten themselves into. Rinse and repeat to the next victim… err, guest. Amazon has this mug if you’re planning to be the Grim Reaper. Don’t tell anyone we recommended you this!
15. For when you need to flash your resume
The writing’s on the mug. That’s all. Get this self-explanatory cup from Amazon.
Enjoy your cuppa with these motivational mugs, folks!