Start a new habit during the final stage (hopefully!) of the lockdown and work on these 30-day challenges with the family.
June 1st is the last day of the circuit breaker here in Singapore, and we’ve got less than a month to go to the end… if it doesn’t get extended any further (fingers crossed!). And, while we’ve been surviving lockdown by trying different bread recipes, making paper crafts with the little ones or taking a virtual vacation, it’d be nice to countdown till the end of the circuit breaker – we’re that much closer to being outdoors with the family again. To help bide your time, here are some 30-day challenges to do alone, with your other mum friends via Zoom or with the family. Ready, set, go!
For the mind, body and soul
We love doing yoga. It’s great for the mind, body and soul, and helps us meditate and focus on the present moment. Plus, the kids can definitely participate and learn some yoga moves. It’s a great tool for managing anxiety, too. If you’re looking for a 30-day yoga challenge, check out Yoga with Adriene on YouTube for a daily yoga session with this yogi. With more than seven million subscribers (including us), we can’t say it won’t be challenging, but you’ll feel rewarded and accomplished at the end of each session. Namaste.
A total body workout
This is one 30-day challenge that’s a great total body workout, but it’s also tough at the beginning and can leave you feeling a little demoralised. Stick with it though, because it does get easier with each and every passing day. Before you know it, you’ll be ripped and fit at the end of this circuit breaker!
Our favourite total body workout exercises to do? Check out Shape’s 30-day bodyweight workout challenge that doesn’t need any equipment at all. If you want to tailor your workout to your fancy, we recommend the Nike Training Club (NTC) app – Nike is rolling out weekly livestream sessions run by Nike Master Trainers during this period, and you can totally add these to your daily workout challenge.
Staying happy
Happiness is the one thing we want to achieve in life, whether it’s in the form of job satisfaction, starting or expanding your family or seeing the kids excel in what they love to do. It’s different for each individual though, so make a habit of doing something every day to keep you happy! It can be in the form of making your own art, talking to a close friend, listening to your favourite tunes or getting dressed up to lounge on the couch. Need help? Culture Trip has a great list of suggestions to check out. Alternatively, check out Good Housekeeping’s 30-day mental health challenge to stay happy.
Lego builds every day
Do your kids love Lego? Whip out the Lego classic creative box of loose pieces and get creative with That Brick Life’s< 30-day Lego challenge. The only rule is to have fun and use your imagination to craft up Lego builds, like designing and building your dream bedroom, a house entirely out of yellow Legos or a boat to find your way home. It’s great for working on the kids’ motor skills, too.
Exploring your hood on foot
This one’s easy… sort of. Running outdoors alone during this circuit breaker not only keeps you fit but it’s a time in the day that you can enjoy without the screaming kids on your case. Choose to run consecutively every day or set a distance goal – it can be anything from a kilometre to a whole half marathon by the end of the circuit breaker. The possibilities are limitless!
Fun in the kitchen
If you’ve got a budding chef in the works or need inspiration for activities to do with the young’ uns, check out Great British Chef’s 30-day challenge to keep you and the kids busy. Start off by making some tasty gingerbread safari animal biscuits, or whip up some delicious meringues for a sweet treat. You can also learn how to make gnocchi as a family or learn this essential cooking skill: how to chop onions without crying.
Being thankful
In a tough time like this, it’s easy to lose our cool with our loved ones. Instead, spend some time being thankful and practising mindfulness, with a 30-day gratitude challenge from Page Flutter. Psst, the kids can do this, too!
Get some thank you cards – or better yet, make your own – and send them out to close friends and family near and far. Or, you could share some positivity on social media, write a lovely review of your favourite restaurant, and maybe order some takeaway at the same time. We recommend adjusting this challenge to fit your needs and to come up with something you can do (while practising social distancing, of course).
Use your imagination
Remember when adult colouring books were making waves? Who knew a simple activity from our childhoods could bring relief and joy to everyday life. Much like colouring books, during this circuit breaker period, use your imagination and start a 30-day drawing challenge from Natural Beach Living with your kids. The best part? You already have all the tools at your disposal thanks to your kiddos’ craft boxes – now to use your creativity and imagination!
Top image: Avrielle Suleiman