Because nothing feels better than reading a book that totally expresses what you're going through: dealing with crazy toddlers, befriending Lululemon-clad mums, the perils of sifting through mountains of laundry and more...
Ah, the new year. A promising time filled with vows of change, fulfilled resolutions and rock hard abs (yours, of course) on the horizon. As rosy and exciting as it may all seem, two things remain the same: #mumlife is still tough and the people that tell us that it all gets easier are still lying. Instead of throwing in the (snot-filled) towel, why not find someone who can commiserate – someone’s who’s gone through the same mum-things you have and lived to tell the tale. It’s cathartic AND a great way to relax while the kids are safely tucked in. Without further ado, here are HoneyKids Book Club‘s favourite books about #mumlife. Trust us, it feels great to know that, somewhere out there, a mum is also hiding from her kids when they’re being naughty. You’re welcome.
HoneyKids Book Club: Cool reads for #mumlife in 2021
The Unmumsy Mum by Sarah Turner
If you’ve just popped or have a little one on the way, you’ll need this book in your arsenal of mum-things. Or maybe you shouldn’t. Sarah Turner is brutally honest about what goes on when you have a young baby. And we’ll tell you right now, it’s definitely not all sunshine and rainbows. Turner will have you in stitches as she regales you with tales of her battles with her two boys. Yep, it’s nice to know that someone feels the same way you do!
Class Mom by Laurie Gelman
This isn’t Jen’s first time to be class mum. In fact, she’s been there, done that with her two older daughters (who are already in college). She takes on the job (reluctantly, we might add) and does it with a lot of panache. Throw in newbie snowflake mums and high-level kindergarten politics and you’ve got yourself a hilarious read. This book is a nice reminder for us new mums to lighten up and just go with the flow – after all, it’s just parenting.
Confessions of a Domestic Failure by Bunmi Laditan
If you’ve ever spent an exorbitant amount of money at your local cafe because coffee is life (no) thanks to your newborn, then this book is for you. If you’ve wondered how those instamoms are able to look fab and thin in just three weeks after birthing a four-kilo baby WITHOUT an epidural, then this book is for you. Yep, modern motherhood has a whole new to-do list that our mums never had and honestly, it’s tiring AF. Here’s one woman’s story of how she’s defied the boards of Pinterest and stuck to her own glue guns – trust us, you’ll read this in one sitting.
How To Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids: A Practical Guide to Being a Calmer, Happier Parent by Carla Naumburg
Mum rage is real and we need to talk about it. Whether you try to get over it with martial arts or by speaking to a professional, it’s definitely an issue that needs addressing. In this book, author Carla Naumburg discusses how to manage your triggers, stop the meltdowns so you become a calmer, happier parent with equally calmer and happier kids. It’s a great resource especially when you’re at your wits end about managing your anger and stress around your children. And we get it, parenting is tough and it’s normal to feel the way you do. What we love most about this book is that it isn’t written like a scientific journal or self-help book. It’s written in a warm, compassionate and even funny tone of a parent who’s lost her sh*t more than once. Definitely a must read.
Dear Girls by Ali Wong
Written as a series of letters to her daughters, comedienne extraordinaire Ali Wong tells her daughters everything they need to know about dating, sex and how to trap a man. Although it’s not really about parenting, it’s more about the lessons she’s learned from a life in comedy, family and more. There are a few snippets about motherhood though, and one that resonated the most with us was when she talked about “making it easier” and not feeling guilty about it. In the age of the instamum, we think its great advice. Motherhood is tough enough as it is, so why put extra pressure on yourself?
Love these #mumlife books? Stay tuned for next month’s picks!