Is your kid suffering from test fatigue and fed up of learning? Check out these top tips from Timothy Yu, founder and CEO of Snapask, on how to inspire a love of learning again at home...
There is no denying that Singapore has one of the best education systems in the world, yet the focus on results can sometimes leave our kids burnt out and learning out of necessity rather than self-interest. How can we readdress the balance? Enter self-directed learning. This concept flips the traditional, rote-learning approach and instead gives kids the freedom to explore and design their own learning activities. Timothy Yu, CEO and Founder of Snapask – an online program promoting self-directed learning, gives us the lowdown on how we can encourage this type of learning at home…
All about self-directed learning and its benefits…
Self-directed learning allows students to develop their own goals and programs when it comes to learning. They can work at their own pace and have the opportunity to explore different ways of learning. From this, they can identify the one that suits them best. This type of learning is crucial in helping students discover their passion and gain independence. What’s more, self-directed learning is actually considered a great complement to in-school learning and tuition classes. It’s even endorsed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education. Here are four top tips for encouraging self-directed learning at home…
1. Learning should always begin with a question
Always encourage your kids to be inquisitive. Although the constant whys can be trying at times, creating an environment where questions are always asked can motivate kids to learn more about the unknown through every social interaction and experience. This leads to a more conducive learning process and supports self-directed learning.
2. Cater to the individual
Learning environments should always cater to the needs and goals of the child. Self-directed learning allows all kids to thrive because there are no restrictions or harsh guidelines on the learning process. Instead, kids can engage in various types of activities and discover their preferences – making the learning process an enjoyable and rewarding one.
3. Create a less rigid learning environment
Unlike schools, the home should not be about strict curricular requirements. Instead, it should be where they are given the opportunity to engage in deeper learning at their own pace. The freedom and flexibility to learn will help to motivate, as well as develop independence and creativity. This, in turn, will help develop them both personally and academically.
4. Take the pressure off
With the stress on examinations and results, the process of learning can become a chore for our kids, which ultimately prevents lifelong learning. Through self-directed learning, students are able to build a safe learning environment where they are no longer faced with the pressure to ace examinations. Instead, they are able to explore different ideas and actually learn to enjoy learning. We can reinforce this as parents by encouraging our kids to experiment with learning for fun, rather than just learning for results.
Are you keen to give self-directed learning a go? Send us a DM with your thoughts!