We are so proud of our homegrown talent shining on the stage in The Sound of Music, and couldn't wait to hop backstage and find out more about them!
The hills are alive (again!). One of our favourite musicals EVER is returning to Singapore this November, along with the long-held tradition of selecting kids in Singapore to play the roles of the von Trapp kids – yay! Hundreds of kids turned out for the auditions, whittled down to a select few that will take turns to grace the stage across multiple performances. So who are these future stars of the stage, and how do they feel about their upcoming performances? We chatted with a group of kiddos from The Sound of Music Singapore to get the lowdown on their experience in the limelight!
1. Congratulations on joining the cast of The Sound of Music, and thanks for answering our questions! Why did you want to audition for the show?
Isabella: I wanted to audition for the Sound of Music because I love Musical Theatre and performing, and I thought that getting a role would be an amazing experience and opportunity.
Stanley: To experience acting in musicals and to improve my singing!
Maya: I was encouraged by my teachers and my parents to experience the audition process for such a big musical theatre production. In addition to that, I really love the movie ‘The Sound of Music’. I like performing on stage even though it sometimes makes me a little nervous. I love musical theatre as it allows me to enjoy all my three favourites – music, singing and dance – together.
Vivaan: I thought it would be culturally enriching because I love The Sound of Music.
Gabby: I’ve been a huge fan of the musical ever since I was in kindergarten, and I love to perform and sing musical theatre, so when I saw the audition announcement, I was super, super excited!
2. What was the audition like for you, and how does it feel to be a part of The Sound of Music?

Isabella: The audition process was extremely nerve-wracking, but I enjoyed it and got to listen to and watch some very talented children. During the audition, the directors asked me to try reading my lines with an American accent! This was definitely unexpected, but I tried my best. Hearing my number called to make it through to the next round was incredibly exciting and such a relief each time. I enjoyed making some new friends but was sad when they didn’t always make it through to the next round with me! I am so proud that I have been selected for a role. It still doesn’t really feel real, and I’m still a bit shocked!
Stanley: I really enjoyed the process, which boosted my confidence! I made a lot of new friends. I feel overwhelmed and extremely excited to be a part of this.

Maya: It was a very unique experience for me; I had never been away from my parents alone for almost the entire day before this. I was slightly anxious and nervous on the first day of the auditions, but I felt better on the second day after I made some friends. My friends, family and teachers have been so happy for me, and I have been getting a lot of love and hugs from all of them. I am a little scared and nervous as I will have to perform in such a big theatre, but everyone tells me it will be even more fun, so I am looking forward to it.
Vivaan: I found it fun but also quite stressful during the cuts. It was fun when we played games in the green room. I met some very nice and talented children – one of them could breakdance! I enjoyed the rehearsals and learning, but I also felt tired at times because my body wasn’t used to it. I’m shocked but also extremely excited, grateful and very happy to be a part of The Sound of Music Singapore!
Gabby: The audition process was amazing. I have been to auditions before, but none of them were ever on a scale like this one because there were hundreds of parents and children, and the audition was in the actual theatre. Between auditions and during lunch, all the kids in the theatre would sing songs from the musical together, which made my heart so full. We were all sharing the joy together, and I had never been in a room with so many people with the same interests as me before, which was amazing!
The audition process was also very nerve-wracking since it was a totally new experience, but I think the nerves gave me a bit more adrenaline to perform better. I feel shocked and grateful to have this role. When my name got called in the final round, I was completely numb and emotionless for a few seconds, then it sunk in, and I started crying happy tears. I really was not expecting to be selected out of so many people for this opportunity, and it made me think about how lucky I am to be a part of it!
3. Has anything for you changed since you were selected, and do people treat you differently?

Isabella: Nothing yet has changed for me, but that’s probably because I haven’t been back at school since the auditions took place. However, my 2-year-old brother has already memorised Do Re Mi!
Stanley: Nothing changed. I receive a lot of encouragement and congratulations.
Maya: All my family members and even my extended family are promising to fly down to see me perform. I am so excited to see them after such a long time and have them in the audience. My parents are allowing me lots more TV time to watch my favourite musical theatre productions and musical movies, which is awesome. My teachers and friends are very proud of me which makes me feel great.
Vivaan: People treat me differently. They call me Kurt and all my parent’s friends keep congratulating me, and they ask me to sing. My friends treat me the same because, at the end of the day, I’m still the same Vivaan.
Gabby: Since I was selected, I think I’ve started to love performing even more! Knowing that I have performances to work towards and put all of my efforts into really gives me more passion and motivation to perform at my best. Hearing all of us sing together at rehearsal really reinforces my passion for performing and the beauty of singing together.
4. What are your favourite scenes and songs in the musical that we should be looking out for?
Isabella: My favourite scene in the Sound of Music is when Maria first meets the von Trapp children, and Brigitta tells her that her dress is the ugliest one she’s ever seen. I love all of the songs – they are such works of art I could never choose just one!
Stanley: Like Isabella, I also like the scene when Maria meets the children for the first time. My favourite song is ‘So long, farewell!’
Maya: My favourite song is the first one – ‘The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music’. My favourite scenes are all the ones with Gretl in them, as she is the cutest of them all (wink!)
Vivaan: It’s extremely hard, but if I had to choose one song, it would be: So Long, Farewell. I think the funniest scene is when the children fall off the boat!
Gabby: My favourite song is probably Edelweiss because it was one of the first songs I ever learnt as a child, so it holds some sense of nostalgia for me. Knowing that I will get to sing this song on stage this November is really magical! My favourite scene is when Maria meets the children, and they all march out and introduce themselves because the dialogue is very catchy and memorable, and it is the scene where the children’s personalities are sort of revealed.
5. Do you think you are similar to the character you are playing in The Sound of Music?
Isabella: I am somewhat like Brigitta; she loves reading and has a bit of sass, which is similar to me. I love reading!
Stanley: Yes, I am a lot like Friedrich; he likes to prove himself, and so do I.
Maya: My parents tell me I am cute like Gretl, but they say I am cheekier than her.
Vivaan: Yes, I’m very similar to Kurt. I’m always hungry, and I act tough on the outside but am soft and sensitive on the inside.
Gabby: I would say I am pretty similar to Louisa because she and I are both very mischievous on the outside and a softie on the inside! She also loves to play pranks on people, and I love to joke around, too, though I haven’t gone to the extent of putting frogs in people’s chairs. Yet. Just kidding!
6. Besides singing and dancing, do you have a secret talent or unique skills?

Isabella: I know everything there is to know about Harry Potter! I am also learning Australian Sign Language and can sign ‘The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music’.
Stanley: I can solve the Rubik’s cube!
Maya: My family say that I am a dog whisperer!
Vivaan: My parents say that I can talk non-stop on any subject. I love to read and write stories.
Gabby: I play the guitar. I can also do a range of different accents and impressions!
7. What have you learned from the audition process?

Isabella: In 2017, I auditioned for the role of Gretl in the Sound of Music when I was six years old. I did not get the role and was very upset. At the time I claimed I would never audition for anything ever again. But here I am in 2022, trying and succeeding. If I hadn’t tried again, I would have missed out on this awesome opportunity, so I guess it is a great example of why you should never give up!
Stanley: Taking part in “The Sound of Music” is a new beginning for me, and I am looking forward to this special experience.
Maya: Just a few days before the audition, I did not do as well as I had hoped for in another music/dance audition. I did not want to go for The Sound of Music audition as a result because I was quite disappointed. My parents and teachers encouraged me to brush it off and try my best again. This has taught me to never give up on what I love to do.
Vivaan: The death of my favourite musician made me sad and taught me that time is short and that you have to make the most of it, so don’t be afraid to try new things!
Gabby: For me, I actually learnt the most from the times that I got rejected from roles because it taught me perseverance and how to overcome difficulties!
Pssst.. Keep your eye on our Honeykids Instagram page for your chance to WIN a family pass to see the show!
See the kids onstage this November in The Sound of Music at Sands Theatre – book tickets now from Sistic