Say hello to Brighton College (Singapore), where kindness goes hand in hand with academic excellence.
When an educational institution named England’s top independent school opens its doors in Singapore, it’s pretty safe to say you can expect good things. Enter Brighton College (Singapore). Fresh on the school scene here on the Little Red Dot, it’s all set to pick up the baton of success it’s already achieved in the UK – and run with it.
This is a school that’s all about the individual, and prides itself on shaping well-rounded, balanced and kind young people. But that’s not to say its academic approach takes a back seat – far from it, says headmaster Paul Wilson.
“My vision for Brighton College in Singapore is for an outward-looking school that prioritises emotional well-being and fosters a life-long love of learning,” he says. “It will be a school where pupils look to the needs of their classmates, but are also engaged with their local communities and are aware of global issues; a school with pupils who are resilient, confident and grateful for their opportunities; and a school where teachers stoke each child’s natural curiosity, fuelling their desire to investigate and understand the world around them.”
Where kindness comes first
That ‘world’ around them – the school itself – brings with it a rich history that began in Sussex, England. Founded in 1845, Brighton College has earned a reputation for entrepreneurial thinking and is considered a pioneer of teaching methods. Of course, its academic success is widely revered – it ranked third in the UK for its academic results – but it’s the school’s kind, tolerant and friendly atmosphere that most often draws comment from parents. And it’s this ethos that’s central to Brighton College in Singapore.
The new school prides itself on promoting core emotional intelligence skills – such as curiosity, confidence and kindness – as the perfect partner to its traditional teachings. So who will be soaking up all those important life (and classroom) lessons when the doors open next August? Brighton offers a Pre-Prep and Prep British education for children aged from as young as 18 months up to age nine (although this will increase to 11 after the first year of operation).
“We strive to turn out well-educated, respectful and intellectually curious girls and boys who are ready to take a full, active and positive role in their senior schools, and as responsible citizens in the world,” says Paul.
The best start in life
The top-line message of what parents can expect from sending their children to Brighton? A first-class British education that aims to deliver outstanding academic success and an ethos of ‘kindness is key’, all delivered by excellent teachers in a warm and supportive environment.
Sound good? Brighton College (Singapore) is a selective school and will be opening with limited places for its first year. For more information and to sign your little one up for an August start, get in touch today.
Brighton College (Singapore), 1 Chuan Lane, Singapore 554299; brightoncollege.sg
Read more about Brighton College (Singapore) over on our School Selector site.