A weekend with over 35 brands and over 25 expert talks and drop-in clinics, this is a weekend of supercharged, super caring and support supportive help and guidance.
Come down for free guidance on:
- Food and nutrition specially designed for women by women! Including free tastings!
- Diastasis recti assessments
- Expert advice on breastfeeding your newborn
- Pregnancy and postpartum app download guiding you through your transition one trimester at a time
- Osteopathy assessments for mother and baby
- Expert advice on newborn hearing screening
- Fitness guides to get you safely back to the shape you dreamed of
- Maternity and newborn photo shoot – one free digital image on the spot!
- Trial the recently approved BabyCare Tens machine – amazing for pain relief during labour
- Women’s physio assessments
- Expert advice on sustainable parenting options
- Pelvic floor assessments
- Expert advice on baby-wearing options
- Expert advice on pre- and post-natal maternity wear for every occasion
- Chiropractic assessments for mother and baby
- Back to work planning for mother and baby, including infant care choices and pumping at work
- Baby sleep evaluations (personalised drop-in clinics)
- Demonstrations on physiology and movement for pregnancy and labour – get baby into the optimal position
- Expert advice on ENT-related symptoms in pregnancy
And so much more…
Sounds like a dream? Empowa has made this a reality!
Get your pregnancy and postpartum needs solved in one place!
⭐️ Check the schedule
⭐️ Don’t miss your favourite drop-in clinics and expert talks
⭐️ Curate your own very special network of support
This isn’t about jelly cat toys and onesies
This is about you
This is for you
(P.S. No jelly cat toys were hurt in the making of this event – we actually quite like them, especially the coffee mug one. But we recognise that support, advice and guidance for our physical and mental health are actually a little bit more important.)