Looking for a school with happy and positive vibes? IIS has the inclusive, personalised environment your child needs.
In a world where academic results and competitiveness is synonymous with success, it’s tough for children to just be children. Traditional schools put pressure on kids to get straight A’s because it supposedly guarantees that they will excel in all facets of life. But does that really reflect today’s modern society? Will kids who achieve perfect grades lead happy, productive, and successful lives in the future? At Integrated International School (IIS), success goes beyond top scores. The school focuses on nurturing each student’s talents and academic potential while encouraging them to think outside the box. The result? Happy, confident kids who redefine success!
But don’t just take our word for it. We recently spoke to IIS parents Olga and Edward Lim, and they both agree that its warm, inclusive approach has helped their son Daniel thrive. How does IIS do it? Small class sizes (with an enviable teacher-to-student ratio of 1:6, unique facilities and an educational approach specifically tailored to the needs of your child. Check out the video below to get a feel of the warm, nurturing atmosphere at IIS:
IIS: The happiest school in Singapore
At Integrated International School, confidence, self-belief, individuality and happiness pave the way for students to succeed! Check out our video to see how much fun the students at IIS are having everyday!#sponsored #integratedinternationalschool
Posted by HoneyKids Asia on Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Redefining success
As you can see, IIS definitely has that welcoming, friendly vibe that goes hand in hand with happy students. At IIS, students are also taught the importance of self-belief, confidence, individuality so that they can pave the way for their own journey of success. Teachers encourage students to always believe in themselves, to take risks and enjoy every small achievement!
Unique facilities
Check out how much the kids are loving that super cool interactive Ocean Snoezelen sensory room, a place where kids are encouraged to let their imagination run wild! IIS’s purpose-built campus provides a safe sanctuary with dedicated resources that support students if they need extra care. Don’t forget to check out their indoor Occupational Therapy gym!
Two educational approaches
At IIS, they champion integrated classrooms by providing two learning approaches, based on the Australian curriculum. It caters to both mainstream students who’ll benefit from the diverse educational experience and mainstream students with individualised needs who benefit from the additional resources and support available offered in-house. With these two approaches, each student gets the learning experience he or she deserves.
If you’re looking for a warm, nurturing school with a family atmosphere then IIS is your best bet. There’s no doubt that its mainstream and support education approach brings out the best in its students, teaching them how to pave the way for their own journey of success.
This post is sponsored by Integrated International School.