As expat parents in Singapore, choosing an international school for your kids can seem like a mini Everest expedition. A school we love is German European School Singapore. The school celebrates diverse European cultures, languages and traditions, and it’s hard not to love their multilingual curriculum and Language Enrichment Programme. If you want see firsthand why they get our vote, mark 9 March in your diary – it’s Open Classroom Day at both the GESS campuses, and you’re invited to spend a day in the life of their students!

While we’ll tell you more about the school’s unique teaching philosophy, the big news is that we’re getting closer to the opening of its custom-built K12 campus on Dairy Farm Road… set to open its doors in August 2018, the new campus can welcome almost 2000 students every day. If you want a sneak peek of the new campus, take a looksee here and wish you were born a few decades later. Built to combine both its junior school and main campus under one roof, the new school boasts facilities like a swimming pool, music and drama spaces, library, and a very cool-sounding design technology studio. All this amidst lots of greenery and open spaces for young minds to stay fresh and happy… Jealous much?
While we can’t wait to see the state-of-the-art campus, we can give you some reasons to add GESS to your shortlist of schools. From toddlers to young adults (formerly known as teenagers), GESS is home to almost 1500 students. A bilingual school with a strong focus on languages, GESS offers students the German Curriculum, taught in German and the IB Curriculum in English. In addition to classes offered in Dutch, Danish and German, the school’s Language Enrichment Programme offers students classes in Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, French, Mandarin, Japanese, Russian and Portuguese to help keep in touch with their home languages. To sum up, your kids not only grow up multilingual (yay!), but with classmates from over 50 different countries, they build a lifelong affinity and respect for other cultures.
Want to see it in action? Register here for Open Classroom Day on 9 March (10am-11.30am). Watch teachers and students interact in the classroom, or take a tour with a wise young student guide. Teachers from the school and parents of students will be around to answer your queries or just have a friendly chat.
Save the date!
This post is sponsored by German European School Singapore.